Have you been hearing all the buzz surrounding text message marketing – but are not quite sure exactly what it is?
Text message marketing is a strategy that revolves around the use of mobile phones to send and receive short messages. I’m sure you’ve heard of “text messaging” before… who hasn’t?
With the massive number of mobile phones on the market, text messaging has become the new-age choice for communication between family, friends, and colleagues. However, this strategy is also popular for linking businesses and their customers for the benefit of both parties.
Being able to send the same message to thousands of people with a touch of a button is powerful. Most of your customers will receive and read your messages within minutes of receiving them – no other form of marketing can offer anything close to that.
The process, however, starts with creating a text message marketing list. This is the list of contacts that you will be sending your messages to every time you press the send button. Creating the list should be an all opt-in affair where the consumers choose whether or not they want to be on your list.
By making it an opt-in process, you are giving your customers freedom and this will work positively towards trust and relationship-building. After creating the list, you can start sending messages to your audience. The messages should be short and straight to the point; aimed at helping you get more sales and profits.
If you would like to know more on how text message marketing can provide a whole new level of consumer targeting, please feel free to contact us.